Coalinga, California

Solar Installation in Coalinga: Go Solar for $0 Down

Thinking about going solar in Coalinga? Quote For Solar got you covered: Learn about whether solar is worth it in Coalinga, savings, installation cost and get 3 quotes from our trusted partners in just days.
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Is Going Solar a Good Idea?

At Quote For Solar, we believe that going solar is the way to move forward. By going solar you contribute to creating a more sustainable future, while potentially saving thousands of dollars on your next energy bill.

Quote For Solar connects you with pre-screened solar installers in Coalinga and you will receive a solar quote in just days completely free of charge.


Solar Benefits at One Glance

Continue reading this page to get an in-depth overview of why we think that solar is a good idea in Coalinga, but here we list you the top 4 reasons to install solar panels:

You Save Money

The cost of solar panels continues to drop and today, solar power is a very affordable source of electricity. According to our data, installing 12 kW solar panels slashes your next energy bill by up to $7,039 in Coalinga.

You Become Energy Independent

On average, U.S. electricity consumers experience 7 hours of power interruption per year. With solar power, you produce your own electricity and become energy independent.

Your Home Value Increases

Solar power is a good investment if you ever consider selling your property. On average, a solar system can increase your home value by 4.1%

Create a Better Future

One kWh of solar energy saves 0.846 lbs of carbon emissions. A standard 10 kWh system saves the equivalent of the weight of 49 F-150 pickup trucks throughout its lifetime.

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Are Solar Panels Worth It in Coalinga?

Depending on which solar installation size you install, you save anywhere between $4,693 - $11,732 on your next yearly energy bill. Our calculation takes the average electricity cost in Coalinga into account and compares it to the typical solar system output measured in kWh.

Check our savings table to see how much you can save:

System SizeAverage
Yearly Output
Yearly Savings
8 kW
14,452 kWh
$ 4,693
12 kW
21,678 kWh
$ 7,039
16 kW
28,905 kWh
$ 9,385
20 kW
36,131 kWh
$ 11,732
Avg. Monthly Power Production:
  • 8 kW
  • 12 kW
  • 16 kW
  • 20 kW
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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in Coalinga?

In 2025, the average solar panel cost in Coalinga is $2.9/W. For a typical solar installation of 8kW, you can therefore expect to pay $23,200 before public incentives. Including public incentives - in 2025 the federal tax incentive is 30% - the net solar panel cost is $16,240*.

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$30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0
Good price Average price Expensive price

About the diagram: The diagram shows the average price for an 8kW solar installation in Coalinga after the 30% federal tax incentive deduction. Get 3 free quotes from Quote For Solar and potentially save up to $3,080 compared to the average solar installation cost in Coalinga ("Good price").
  • Power Bills (Grid)
  • Solar (Tax Credit)
  • Solar (Without Tax Credit)
*Forecasted electricity price development is based on historical inflation rates.

Here Are 5 Highly-Rated Solar Installers for Coalinga:

Cal Flats Solar
CA-41, Shandon, CA 93461
Westlands Solar Blue Project
25959 Laurel Ave, Stratford, CA 93266
Simplot Grower Solutions
16429 W Kamm Ave, Helm, CA 93627
Henrietta Solar Plant
19498 Kent Ave, Lemoore, CA 93245
Shaw's Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
16838 18th Ave, Lemoore, CA 93245
* (Be aware that these numbers represent the average solar panel cost in Coalinga and may be different from your home due to numerous factors such as roof size and roof angle.)

Other Reasons Why Coalinga is a Great Place for Solar

There are many unique features, that make Coalinga an excellent place for going solar.

Sun Hours / Year in Coalinga

Coalinga enjoys 3330 sun hours per year, providing ample sunlight for maximizing solar energy production.


National Solar Ranking

As per the national solar ranking, California has proven its dedication to harnessing solar energy effectively.


Price Drop / last 10 Years

Over the past decade, the cost of solar energy in California has witnessed a significant drop of 53%.


of California's Electricity comes from Solar

California takes pride in its solar energy sector, with solar power accounting for 27.34% of the state's total electricity production.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Installations in Coalinga

Are There Solar Incentives For Coalinga?

Yes, there are various country-wide and state-specific incentives for going solar. For Coalinga, the federal tax incentive amounts to up to 30%.

Do Solar Panels Work in Coalinga During Winter?

Yes, solar panels do work in Coalinga during winter but you will typically see less output than in the warmer months. Our partners will help you to find the right system size for the whole year.

Does Coalinga Have Net Metering?

Yes, Coalinga has net metering. That means that you will be to sell your solar power to the public grid.
On average, our customers have their solar installation completed in 6 to 8 weeks after they have been contacted by our partners.
That depends on your financial situation. Generally speaking, there are several finance options for solar panels in Coalinga and sometimes you can finance your solar system even without any down payment. Read our blog post for more information.
Why You Should Choose Quote For Solar

Get 3 Quotes From Reviewed Solar Installers Fast!

For homeowners wishing to install solar energy on their properties, Quote For Solar is the ideal service.

Quote For Solar offers a free and easy single inquiry format for homeowners to obtain multiple offers from local solar companies for their installation needs.

Solar Companies will compete with each other to win your business, which can increase your savings. In addition, you are assured of receiving quotes only from trustworthy and dependable partners with a proven track record.

Ready to go solar? Get your solar quotes now and receive a better deal!


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